Monday, June 21, 2010

Prayer is Necessary

As technology abruptly interrupted my latest blog on sights of Rio--and apparently deleted most of my writing (SO FRUSTRATING)--I would like to share a prayer from a little book called "Simply Surrender" by Therese Lisieux. It's maddening what happened. But in my continuing attempt to live in the moment, this prayer is one I need badly.

My Day Is Ending

Living Father,
like a small child
trying to reach it's parent
time after time,
I have taken my first step toward you
only to stumble and fall.

It is easy to lose heart,
but I know that if I do not try
to take that first step
again and again,
I will never leave the ground.
But I must not shine
that by myself I can succeed
in mounting even the first step.

My loving Father,
you ask only my good will.
Accept my poor efforts
for what they tell you of my desire,
and carry me in your arms.

Come then, my loving Father,
you have blessed
my days;
bless me still
as this day ends
and the night begins."
